Data Use Cases

Land Account: Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Land Account is part of suite of environmental-economic accounts being produced by the ABS under the United Nations (UN) System of Environment-Economic Accounts (SEEA) framework. Land accounting measures the change in the land and its attributes resulting from the impact of human and natural activity. The value of a set of land accounts is the ability to measure land attributes by examining stocks at different points in time to support policy around sustainable economic and environmental management. The ABS current strategy includes the development of State/Territory or jurisdictional Land Accounts generally guided by the availability of data.

IAG Insurance Australia Group : Open G-NAF

Using the openly available G-NAF, IAG has become the first insurer in Australia to release a national dataset containing a view of flood risk across Australia; to enable customers to assess their level of financial risk due to flooding.

IAG has done this as the insurance industry is uniquely positioned to relate physical hazards to financial risk through its exposure and claims data.

Problem: Insurance customers can underestimate their exposure to flood risks and not have appropriate insurance cover.

Solution: The IAG Flood Risk Dataset can inform insurance choices based on risk probabilities. It uses a combination of IAG modelling, industry sourced data, and local and state government data.

The risk is based on two factors, how severe the flooding is and how often the property is likely to be flooded. The High, Medium and Low risk bands describe the financial risk.

This information is best used to identify regions where residential communities are exposed to flooding. The dataset assesses flood risk for 88% of all addresses nationally.

Great Artesian Basin Atlas

The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is one of Australia's most significant hydrogeological entities covering more than 1.7 million square kilometres, underlying 22% of Australia and intersecting 4 state and territory boundaries. The GAB contains a vast volume of underground water and is the largest groundwater basin in Australia.

Groundwater resources in the GAB are used to support the pastoral, agricultural and resource sectors as well as supplying water to inland communities. Traditionally, there has been limited accessible scientific information available to decision makers, where properly managing these groundwater resources for competing interests requires a good understanding of how the system works at a regional scale. The GAB Atlas provides valuable information in a geospatial format to assist water managers and communities in making more informed decisions towards sustainable management of this vast water resource.

Associated Stakeholder or System:
State government water managers

Non FSDF datasets: National Surface Geology

Environmental Offsets: Department of Environment

The Department of Environment and Energy administers the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Environmental Offsets Policy October 2012

‘Environmental offsets’ are broadly understood to mean actions taken by developers to compensate for the adverse impacts of their developments. The Australian Government is increasingly considering environmental offsets as part of its process of taking a decision on whether to approve proposed actions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). 

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is the Australian Government's key piece of environmental legislation which commenced 16 July 2000. The EPBC Act enables the Australian Government to join with the states and territories in providing a truly national scheme of environment and heritage protection and biodiversity conservation. The EPBC Act focuses Australian Government interests on the protection of matters of national environmental significance, with the states and territories having responsibility for matters of state and local significance. The EPBC Act affects any group or individual (including companies) whose actions may have a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance.


Emergency Management Australia

The Crisis Coordination Centre (EMA) is responsible for providing whole-of-government situational awareness to inform national decision-making during a crisis. The centre:

  • Centralises and coordinates information across the Australian Government, states and territories during a crisis in Australia
  • Coordinates Australian Government physical and financial assistance for disaster relief - it is responsible for managing national disaster recovery payments and ensuring states and territory governments, individuals, businesses and primary producers impacted by disasters are well supported through the Commonwealths relief and recovery programs
  • Supports the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade during major emergencies and events overseas
  • Maintains Australian Government response plans and arrangements for responding to domestic and international incidents

Community Insight Australia: Open public data mapping tool

Community Insight Australia is a social enterprise organisation that has developed a web-based mapping tool, enabling access to openly available public data in a centralised, user friendly way.

Problem: Community organisations and frontline services need to allocate scarce resources, including services, staff and funds, to areas of greatest need.

Solution: The Community Insight Australia tool combines up-to-date datasets of social indicators with accurate addressing information to enable visualisation of areas of high need. This helps with the social profiling of a community. The tool creates easy to read automated reports with each parameter explained visually through maps and dashboards for easy benchmarking and comparisons.

Bureau of Meterology: Geofabric

The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. Its expertise and services assist Australians in dealing with the harsh realities of their natural environment, including drought, floods, fires, storms, tsunami and tropical cyclones.

The Bureau’s Improving Water Information Programme is building a comprehensive and reliable picture of Australia’s water resources to support policy and
planning. It collates, manages and publishes water information as part of its water information role and responsibilities under the Water Act 2007. 

Bioregional Assessments

The Bioregional Assessment Program was undertaken by the Australian government in order to better understand the potential impacts of coal seam gas and large coal mining developments on water resources and water-dependent assets, such as rivers, wetlands and groundwater systems.

The assessments focus on selected areas across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. These states are the four signatory states under the National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development. The assessments provide a risk analysis that identifies areas where potential impacts are likely to occur. Just as important, the assessments also identify areas where impacts are unlikely to occur. This allows governments, industry and the community to focus on these areas when making regulatory, water management and planning decisions.

FSDF datasets used: National Topographic Data, National Surface Hydrology, National elevation (SRTM-derived 1 second DEM), Medium scale Imagery (Water Observations from Space), National Catchment Boundaries, Dynamic Land Cover Dataset

Non FSDF Datasets used: National Surface Geology

Australian Nautical Charts and Publications

Deliver reliable and timely nautical charts, publications and services for the maritime community and meet the maritime geospatial information requirements of the Department of Defence.
