
Interactive Maps

The surface hydrology dataset provides a seamless surface layer for Australia at a nominal scale of 1:250,000. It consists of lines, points and polygons representing natural and man-made features such as water courses, lakes, dams and other water bodies. The natural water course layer consists of a linear network with a consistent topology that provide directional flow paths through the network for hydrological analysis. This network was used to produce the National 9 second Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Australia. It also provides information on naming, hierarchy and perennially.

Hydrology Surface Cartography

The Surface Hydrology Polygons (National) dataset presents the spatial locations of surface hydrology polygon features and its attributes. The dataset represents the Australia's surface hydrology at a national scale. It includes natural and man-made geographic features such as: watercourse areas, swamps, reservoirs, canals, etc. This product presents hydrology polygon features which will topological connect with the hydrology line features and forms a complete flow path network for the entire continental of Australia.

Surface Hydrology database

Under the Foundation Spatial Data Framework, Geoscience Australia is custodian for national surface hydrology data. Geoscience Australia has aggregated data supplied from state and national jurisdictions to create the Surface Hydrology Regional Database. This data has been edge-matched across state borders, flow directed and topologically corrected to provide consistency across the country to represent the best available surface hydrology dataset.

PSMA Transport and TopographyTM

The Transport and Topography dataset is underpinned by a road centreline layer of over 2.7 million kilometres of roads, together with more than 30 feature types within transport, hydrology and green space themes. Roads - a national coverage of network roads at all levels within Australia. Everything from major highways to outback tracks, new roads and changes to current roads. Airports - all aspects of airport infrastructure within Australia, including all airports from international to local landing strips.

NT Airborne Imagery

Monitoring active and/or recent fires, floods, storms, and subsidence
•Estimating biomass for carbon accounting, native vegetation mapping, and agriculture;
•Managing conservation areas (land and marine), environmental resources, estuaries and coastal w
