
NSW Soil Landscapes

Series of Soil Landscape maps and accompanying reports based
on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets. These
provide an inventory of soil and landscape properties of their area
and identify major soil and landscape qualities and constraints.
The ‘Soil Landscape’ concept integrates soil and topographic
features into single units with relatively uniform land management
requirements. Soils are described in terms of soil materials in
addition to the Australian Soil Classification, the Great Soil Group

NSW Named Water Course Dataset

Named Water Course represents the centreline of a named water course as a single feature. It is an aggregation of the hydrology datasets within the DTDB. Hydro Named String holds the name the water course. The feature class does not have any known reliability date. Part count is an attribute in the dataset which defines the number of parts to a multiple-part feature. A negative Part Count such as “-3” indicates at least one part of a multi-part feature is disjoint from the rest of the feature.

SA Railway Lines

Railways are transportation systems using one or more rails to carry freight or passengers. Railway stations are recognised stopping places where goods, vehicles or passengers may be transferred from one form of transport to the rail network, and vice ver

WA Hydro Point

The Surface Hydrology dataset provides a set of related feature classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of the (major) surface water features of Australia.

NSW Lot Dataset - Cadastral Fabric

NSW Lot is a dataset within the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). It depicts a parcel of land created on a plan of sub-division or title. The lot represents Standard lots, Standard Part Lots, Strata and Stratum. Each lot has a lot number, section number, plan lot area, plan number, plan label, ITStitle status, and stratum label e.g Lot 10 DP12345.
