
NSW Special Project Orthorectified Aerial Imagery

This imagery dataseries is a collection of mosaics covering a specified project or emergency response area. These include floods, storms, hail, fire, tidal surges and drought etc. This imagery may have been flown at a variety of image resolutions and coverage dependant on the nature of the emergency and the specific technical requirements of the emergency response activity. They were created by ortho-rectifying, colour matching and joining overlapping image strips captured with multiple flight lines over the project area using a Leica airborne digital sensor.

ACT Easements

Easements give rights for specific purposes over part of a block that is leased. Easements may or may not be registered on the lease. Easements are captured from deposited plans or survey plans defining a cadastral. Easement areas include: Sewer, Water, Gas, Electricity and Storm water. Creative Commons License Creative Common By Attribution 4.0 (Australian Capital Territory), Please read Data Terms and Conditions statement before use of the data.Easements give rights for specific purposes over part of a block that is leased. Easements may or may not be registered on the lease.

ACT Road Reserves

In the ACT the Road Reserve is an area between blocks set aside for the movement of the public using various modes of transport, for the delivery of utilities and similar public purposes. All Road Reservers are traced from cadastral boundaries. Where the road reserve fall across District and Division boundaries, Road Reservers are also used to create the casements. Creative Commons License Creative Common By Attribution 4.0 (Australian Capital Territory), Please read Data Terms and Conditions statement before use of the data. 

ACT Class B Units

Class B Units represent a footprint of a residential or commercial unit on the ground. The boundary is defined by a surveyed line around the land the unit sits on. The Class B Units data is being continuously maintained based on registered Unit Plans. All data is based on computed design to fit mathematically within survey control. Unit boundaries are created by entering data that has been submitted by registered unit plans. Creative Commons License Creative Common By Attribution 4.0 (Australian Capital Territory), Please read Data Terms and Conditions statement before data use. 

NSW Transport Facility Point Dataset - Rail Associated Facalities

Transport facility point represents a facility related to transport. It is a point feature class of the NSW Digital Topographic Database ( DTDB), within the Transportation theme. A transport facility can be an airport, bus interchange, helipad, marina, parking area, railway station, roadside rest area, roadside emergency telephone or heavy vehicle checking station. These are stored in the class subtype attribute field in the dataset.
