Precise positioning technology offers an exciting opportunity for all Australians. The ability to identify a location anywhere in Australia with a real-time accuracy of three centimetres enables a range of activities to be conducted more efficiently, from growing crops to constructing roads and navigating transport networks. The industries that have been early adopters have already realised the benefits of their investment — economically, environmentally and socially.
Widespread access to precise positioning technology is estimated to boost the national economy by between $7.8 and $13.72 billion1 by 2020. Geoscience Australia is playing an important role in fostering the uptake and ongoing development of this technology through the National Positioning Infrastructure Capability.
This program will establish the necessary infrastructure on the ground that provides the foundation for the technology.
The National Positioning Infrastructure Capability will ensure all Australians have an opportunity to access continuous, reliable and precise positioning information.
To better understand these benefits and how this technology is currently being used in Australia, read the five case studies. They provide a snapshot of the new and innovative uses that will continue to arise as the technology continues to evolve and more industries get involved.
[1] ACIL Allen Consulting, 2013, The value of augmented GNSS in Australia., Accessed 24 August 2015.
...Can improve community safety
Precise positioning on a national scale will enable emergency services staff to coordinate rescue efforts with minimal delay. The location of fire trucks and ambulances for example can be accurately monitored and guided to emergency situations along the most efficient and safest route.
...Can support driverless cars
Driverless cars will no longer be in the realm of science fiction when reliable, widespread and accurate positioning information becomes available. It will enable the development of advanced navigation services that keep cars on the correct side of the road and ensure they follow the designated route and can detect nearby vehicles.
...Can inspire new smartphone applications
In an expanding market for location-based applications on smartphones and other devices, access to more accurate and reliable positioning information will stimulate new and innovative uses of positioning information — many of which are yet to be imagined. Importantly, these technologies will be useable anytime and anywhere throughout Australia.