Tasks for:

Activity 24 Implement update programs

Start Timeframe 
2017 Q1
Delivery Timeframe 
The accuracy, currency and completeness of national foundation spatial dataset content meets the needs of stakeholders and emerging market trends.

Mar 16: Open GNAF and elevation datasets released. State borders and coastline updates continuing.

Showing 4 tasks
  • Task

    Australian Datum Modernisation

    Associated Activitie(s) 
    Agency/Working Group or Committee 
    Task Description 

    Nothing on the surface of the Earth is fixed. The Earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving - in different directions and at different speeds. The Australian plate is moving in a north-easterly direction at a rate of about 7cm per year, or about 5mm per month.

    This means the latitude and longitude of points in Australia are changing. Coordinates are calculated using a set of defined reference points called a geodetic datum. The current Australian datum, the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94), is now over 20 years old.

    We have moved approximately 1.6m since 1994, and Australia's coordinates are no longer accurate or in alignment with global navigation satellites systems (GNSS) such as GPS. This becomes highly significant when it comes to the use of applications that rely on accurate satellite positioning such as in-vehicle navigation; smartphones; automated mining operations; precision agriculture; and surveying where high absolute accuracies are required. To address this, Australia is implementing a new datum that will be known as the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020).

    The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) is responsible for modernising Australia's Datum to ensure that all Australians can take advantage of the increased accuracy that current and future positioning and navigation technologies provide. The ICSM formed a dedicated working group, the GDA Modernisation Implementation Working Group, to oversee the implementation of the modernised datum across Australia's government, academic and industry sectors.

    Geoscience Australia is the peak science agency responsible for technical development and maintenance of the national geodetic datum, and will update the coordinates of reference points that define Australia's new national datum, GDA2020. Geoscience Australia will also be assisting Australian Government agencies and Spatial Software providers to adopt the new datum.


    Status Comment 
    Australia's datum is being modernised in two stages. The first stage, the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020), will be released in 2017. Stage 2 will commence in January 2020, when users will be able to transition to a time dependant reference frame. This datum will be called the The Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame (ATRF) and will provide the Australian community with a sustainable, traceable, high-precision geodetic reference system capable of meeting the most demanding positioning requirements.
    Estimated completion date 
    Saturday, 21 March, 2020
    National dataset 
  • Task

    Complex addressing

    Associated Activitie(s) 
    Agency/Working Group or Committee 
    Task Description 

    Develop a nationally recognised approach to complex addressing.

    Task Output 

    The accuracy, currency and completeness of national foundation spatial dataset content meets the needs of stakeholders and emerging market trends.

    Not Started
    Estimated completion date 
    Monday, 31 December, 2018
    National dataset 
  • Task

    Commonwealth Address Project

    Associated Activitie(s) 
    Agency/Working Group or Committee 
    Task Description 

    Determine appropriate business process to integrate Commonwealth sources addresses with other jurisdictions and the G-NAF.

    Task Output 


    Agreed and documented data sharing arrangements, and agreed roles, between dataset suppliers and custodians, and national custodians/aggregators/product owners, for the maintenance of national foundation spatial datasets.


    Minimise the cost of production and maintenance of foundation spatial data by reducing or reusing resources.


    Status Comment 
    Due for mid 2018 release
    Estimated completion date 
    Thursday, 31 May, 2018
    National dataset 
  • Task

    National quality improvement guidelines

    Associated Activitie(s) 
    Agency/Working Group or Committee 
    Task Description 

    Establish national quality improvement guidelines to bring legacy addressing to the AS/NZ4819 standard where cost effective and practical

    Task Output 

    The accuracy, currency and completeness of national foundation spatial dataset content meets the needs of stakeholders and emerging market trends.

    Not Started
    Estimated completion date 
    Wednesday, 12 December, 2018
    National dataset