
National Roads

The national Road dataset is an aggregation of data from multiple jurisdiction sources which depicts national and accurate road based information.

Classification depending upon its purpose or importance, such as a national highway that connects capital cities, arterial roads which connect major regional centres or move large volumes of traffic across metropolitan areas, down to access roads which provide access to buildings within properties centrelines.

National Surface Hydrology

The National Surface Hydrology dataset is an aggregation of each of the state and territories surface hydrology into a single coverage for all of Australia.  

This dataset provides a set of related feature classes to be used as the basis for the production of consistent hydrological information. 

Geodata v3 framework data set

GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 is a vector representation of the major topographic features appearing on the 1:250,000 scale NATMAPs supplied in Personal Geodatabase format and is designed for use in a range of commercial GIS software. Data is arranged within specific themes. All data is based on the GDA94 coordinate system.


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