Input Dataset

Native Vegetation Floristic Areas - NVIS - Statewide (Incomplete Version)

This dataset represents the State Government's key extant native floristic vegetation mapping layer for SA. It provides floristic and structural information (referred to as vegetation types), and/or presence of native vegetation in South Australia. The data set includes floristic vegetation mapping datasets produced as part of the Biological Survey of SA program. The descriptions for the vegetation types are stored in a textual database, the South Australian Vegetation Information System Database (SAVEG). The SAVEG database uses the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) Framework

Dataset Purpose

This dataset is used to provide information on native floristic and structural vegetation mapping for SA. It should not be assumed that this dataset represents all extant native vegetation present in the State due to the limitations of the mapping methodology. For more information refer to Vegetation Mapping Limitations. This dataset has been translated into the NVIS vegetation attribute framework Version 6.0 (ESCAVI 2003), enabling integration with national projects.

Funding Support

Dataset Lineage

Native vegetation data has been captured using several data capture techniques, scales, sensitivities and using plant species information collected from different survey years. Generally the extent of native vegetation cover is mapped first based on the selected source imagery and field based vegetation survey information. The vegetation cover extent mapping is then edited to capture different vegetation types (floristic and structural differences) based on vegetation tones and textures interpreted by the individual vegetation mapper. Some contemporary veg mapping in the arid regions is based on the classification of Landsat imagery. The final vegetation types are recorded as coded mapping groups as polygon attributes. Pre-2004, floristic vegetation mapping for SA was undertaken on a region by region basis as a series of vegetation mapping projects with GIS outputs maintained as individual region-based datasets. However, since 2004, the region-based mapping has been consolidated into a single State-wide dataset. To implement this, all region-based SA floristic vegetation mapping layers were combined using a GIS `update' technique; this process took the coarsest mapping first and progressively updating to the least coarse last to provide a single SA dataset. Region-based layers were added in the following order: Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands, Nullarbor, Yellabinna, Yumbarra, Unnamed, Stony Desert, Tallaringa, North Olary, South Olary, Flinders, Coongie Lakes, Gawler Ranges, Northern Eyre, Mid North, Murray Mallee, Western Murray Flats, Southern Mount Lofty, Yorke Peninsula, South East, Kangaroo Island, Offshore Islands. No additional linework or attribute edge-matching was undertaken along boundaries as the datasets were brought together. Since 2004 new vegetation mapping is captured directly into the State-wide layer.

Access and Licensing

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