
NT 2003 Land Use Mapping Program (LUMP)

(LUMP) Land Use Mapping Project of the NT 2003 and 2008 data summary. This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land use boundaries for the Northern Territory. This dataset was created from several other datasets and expert knowledge. It is the first Territory-wide land use dataset based upon the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification (version 6).

NT NVIS Version 4.1- National Vegetation Information System, NT 2012

An amalgamation of the NVIS version 3.1 and Northern Territory Forest Mapping, NORFOR. Data set was developed in order to align the NVISver3 data set (DEWHA) and the forest data sets sent to the National Forest Inventory (AFFA). 
For information on each particular map dataset see the following records on the NT Spatial data directory.

2DBCB771207006B6E040CD9B0F274EFE NVIS - National Vegetation Information System, NT Data Compilation - Land & Vegetation Branch / Natural Systems Division

NT Northern Territory Water Management Areas: Water Plan Management Zones

The Northern Territory Water Management Areas define the boundary extents of Water Management Zones within Water Allocation Plan areas and Water Control Districts as determined by the Minister as statutory instruments under the Water Act 1992, for the purpose of surface water and groundwater management.

WATER CONTROL DISTRICTS provide a basis for administering the management of the extent and distribution of surface water and groundwater resources.

National Groundwater Information System of the Northern Territory

The National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) is a national database developed though the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) in collaborations with the states and territories. The database structure is suitable to deliver the specific formats required for the analysis of groundwater systems. The system provides specific data for all users of groundwater information and in particular directly accessible information to the BOM for National Water Accounting.

National Groundwater Information System of the Northern Territory: Bores

The National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) is a national database developed though the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) in collaborations with the states and territories. The database structure is suitable to deliver the specific formats required for the analysis of groundwater systems. The system provides specific data for all users of groundwater information and in particular directly accessible information to the BOM for National Water Accounting.
