
LIST Named Feature Extents

LIST Named Feature Extents depicts the spatial extent of a Named Geographic Feature, or other feature or place which is cannot be represented in any of the other LIST spatial data sets, in terms of a bounding polygon.This dataset has been developed primarily for internal use within Land Tasmania for recording and identification purposes for selected feature names.The data has been attributed with the Nomenclature Register Number (NOM_REG_NO), which is the Unique ID for the Feature Name which is held within the Placenames Tasmania (Nomenclature) database, and the feature name for those featu

TAS LIST Hydrographic Lines

LIST Hydrographic Line depicts all line features in the hydrographic themes including rivers, coastline, shoreline of lakes. It contains attributes that allow lines to be delivered in separate layers and with attributes. Some lines, associated with Dam 2Ds, Rapid 2Ds, Submerged Trees, Submerged Reefs and Land, will not be replicated into separate data sets.

Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values

The CFEV Waterbodies data layer shows a statewide coverage of lakes and waterbodies in Tasmania. Individual features (lakes and waterbodies) are rated according to their overall conservation value (relative to other waterbodies), as assessed by the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV) Program. The data also includes an assessment of condition and conservation management priority for each waterbody.

LIST Transport Node

LIST Transport Node data contains all those points which represent :-- the end of a road (non significant)- a junction of two or more Transport Segments (non significant)- a place where the value of an attribute changes - a bridge or tunnel, the length of which is less than 25 metres- a roundabout- a cul-de-sac- a turning circle- a railway station- a weighbridge- a gate, boomgate- a level crossing- a barrier (immovable, removable, fence, bollard)- a cattle gridMetadata for each point is linked to the Transport Node layer through the Feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) attribute.

TAS LIST Transport Segments:Bridge

LIST Transport Segment data comprises transport routes (from those with highway status through to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking tracks, and railways. Transport Segments are those portions of the above routes and tracks which fall between two Transport Nodes. The data will also include those segments which make up larger roundabouts (ie. with diameter > 25 metres), forks (ramps) with a length exceeding 20 metres, and road connectors which are pseudo features that create artificial continuity through roundabouts.
