National Federal Electoral Boundaries
The national federal electoral boundaries is a national coverage different federal electoral boundaries into a single coverage.
The national federal electoral boundaries is a national coverage different federal electoral boundaries into a single coverage.
The SPOT constellation has been supplying high-resolution, wide-area optical imagery since 1986. SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 will assure data continuity through to 2024.
Numerious SPOT products are available. For detailed information refer to:
The Land Parcel dataset is a data aggregation sourced from the jurisdictions which depicts national and accurate land and strata based information including parcels representing easements, roads, crossing, rail and water.
The national state electoral boundaries is a national coverage derived from the aggregation of the state and territories state electoral boundaries into a single coverage.
There are a number of geodetic observations and measurements performed at the national and local scale that contribute to datum definition, standards and lower positioning uncertainties. They also form part of the fundamental physical infrastructure that contribute to the National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI) Capability.
The national groundwater dependent ecosystems is a dataset aggregated from different sources to produce a national coverage over all of Australia.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) is ecological and hydrogeological information on known groundwater dependent ecosystems and ecosystems that potentially use groundwater.
The National Flow Direction Grid is the national coverage of flow direction for all of Australia.
The Flow Direction Grid is a regular grid of surface flow directions accompanying the GEODATA 9 Second Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Version 3. It ascribes to each DEM point one of eight cardinal directions (E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N, NE) denoting the direction of surface flow from each grid point to one of its eight immediate neighbours.
The accurate position of highly stable reference stations across the nation is fundamental to all location-based technologies used in Australia. The resulting outputs of the National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI) Capability and national observations and measurements are the 3D (horizontal and vertical) coordinates of these reference stations maintained by the Commonwealth and States and Territories.
For further information, please refer to:
National Town Points is an aggregated dataset of the national coverage of all town points for each state and territory.
The NVIS framework was developed to enable the compilation of a nationally consistent vegetation dataset from data collected by states and territories. It provides a comprehensive means of describing and representing vegetation information based on establishing relationships between structural and floristic data. The NVIS Information Hierarchy is a system for describing the structural and floristic patterns of groups of plants in the landscape.