Input Dataset

NSW Place Point Dataset - Locality


Place point represents named places in NSW. A place point can be a region, city, town, village, locality or suburb. There are two attributes, population source and population, that are not currently maintained. Place point is a point feature class of the NSW Digital Topographic Database ( DTDB ), within the Cultural theme. There is no overall accuracy reported in the database, however accuracy of Read More »

Dataset Purpose

The DTDB is primarily used for planning, developmental activities, navigation and resource monitoring by emergency services, the Defence Forces, environmental resource managers and engineers. This information is also commonly used by bushwalkers, canoeists, anglers and fossickers to establish a detailed picture of the local environment.

Funding Support

Access Format

GeoDatabase(gdb), Shape(shp), ESRI SDE, Well Known Text(wkt), Data Exchange Format(dxf),Oracle(SDO), MapInfo(MID/MIF/TAB)

Dataset Lineage

The original mapping information that constitutes the DTDB was initially created from 1970 at 1:25 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 scales from stereoscopic aerial photography supported by ground truth, field data capture and updating. These scales have an inherent accuracy as per the National Mapping Council of Australia, Standards of Map Accuracy (1975). Therefore, the position of the feature Read More »

Access and Licensing

Identified Mandate


Content Source