To provide a fair, effective and efficient aviation safety regulatory system and promote a positive safety culture throughout the aviation community.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) was established on 6 July 1995 as an independent statutory authority. Under section 8 of the, Civil Aviation Act 1988, CASA is a body corporate separate from the Commonwealth.
CASA's primary function is to Read More »
To provide a fair, effective and efficient aviation safety regulatory system and promote a positive safety culture throughout the aviation community.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) was established on 6 July 1995 as an independent statutory authority. Under section 8 of the, Civil Aviation Act 1988, CASA is a body corporate separate from the Commonwealth.
CASA's primary function is to conduct the safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the operation of Australian aircraft overseas. It is also required to provide comprehensive safety education and training programmes, cooperate with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, and administer certain features of Part IVA of the Civil Aviation (Carriers' Liability) Act 1959.
The Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998, made under authority of the Civil Aviation Act, provide for general regulatory controls for the safety of air navigation. The Civil Aviation Act and CAR 1988 empower CASA to issue Civil Aviation Orders on detailed matters of regulation. The CASRs 1998 empower CASA to issue Manuals of Standards which support CASR by providing detailed technical material.
Other legislation affecting CASA in the exercise of its powers include the:
- Air Navigation Act 1920
- Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997
- Auditor-General Act 1997
- Ombudsman Act 1976
- Freedom of Information Act 1982
- Privacy Act 1988
- Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
- Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
The Chief Executive Officer manages CASA, and is responsible to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.
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