About the FSDF-LINK

Welcome to the Foundation Spatial Data Framework’s Location Information Knowledge Platform.

At the October 2016 ANZLIC and ICSM meetings, a demonstration of the FSDF knowledge platform (the FSDF-LINK) was provided. This presentation noted the FSDF’s evolution from a conceptual framework represented in static booklets (2012) to a governed, online, dynamic, cloud-based analysis and discovery tool.

The FSDF-LINK is the digital realisation of the Foundation Spatial Data Framework. It exposes the supply chains of datasets from the state and territory jurisdictions to the national datasets and the products created from those national datasets.

The FSDF-LINK provides the knowledge surrounding the FSDF, combining both traditional metadata and business content for all identified datasets such as mandates and funding sources which the dataset is reliant on. The aspirational goals of the FSDF-LINK are to provide an evidence base for policy development, provide a common location for supply chain work planning, while enhancing the discovery of foundation datasets throughout the complete supply chain, in a contextualised framework.