Input Dataset

LIST Locality and Postcode Areas

The Locality and Postcode Areas dataset depicts the authoritative boundaries and names of localities and suburbs for addressing and location purposes.Locality Boundaries generally extend to High Water Mark and may not include uninhabitable offshore rocks and small islands. Larger named islands which are not included in this dataset will, if required for addressing or location purposes, use the official island feature name as the locality.Attributes include:The approved locality name (NAME);The Postal Code assigned by Australia Post for a locality (POSTCODE);The plan reference of the Central Plans Office plan that defined the initial locality (PLAN_REF);The Gazettal date for the proclamation first proclaiming the locality (GAZ_DATE)The Nomenclature Board of Tasmania has approved the Locality Boundaries and names, and Postcodes have been assigned by Australia Post.

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Online, FTP, Webservices

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Identified Mandate


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