Input Dataset

Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia


The current version of IBRA7 is an update of IBRA 6.1. IBRA7 defines 89 bioregions and 419 subregions compared with the 85 bioregions and 403 subregions described in IBRA6.1. The naming and coding of IBRA bioregions and subregions has also been reviewed and updated to a more consistent standard and format.

IBRA7 includes four new oceanic bioregions: the Indian Tropical Islands Bioregion, the Pacific Subtropical Islands Bioregion, the Subantarctic Islands Bioregion and the Coral Sea Bioregion. These bioregions account for Australia's island territories including Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean, Lord Howe Island in the Pacific Ocean and the Coral Sea Islands Territory. IBRA7 also includes seven new subregions in the oceanic bioregions and six new subregions in South Australia.

The coast and near shore island boundaries have been adopted from the Geoscience Australia 1:100,000 coast and islands data. This has created consistent mapping of the coast and islands around Australia.

IBRA7 includes realigned boundaries that more accurately map bioregions and subregions, particularly those that cross state borders. IBRA7 data can be interrogated without state boundaries if required. Many boundary matching and coding inconsistencies for the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania have been eliminated. The sub-regional and associated bioregional boundaries in the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia have been more accurately refined to reflect improved spatial information in these regions.

Apart from these revisions, all other data remains unchanged.

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