Input Dataset

Digital elevation models 25metre by catchment areas series


Digital Elevation Models (DEM / DTM) with a 25 metre grid is defined in and covers selected catchment areas.

Dataset Purpose

To provide digital elevation data for use in Land Administration, Emergency Management, Monitoring of Climate Change, Hydrological Modelling, and Topographic Mapping and in the production of Navigational and Web Based Mapping applications.

Funding Support

Access Format


Dataset Lineage

ANUDEM version 4.6.2 was used to produce a 25 metre floating point grid. Source digital data were contours and drainage (scanned repromats) from AUSLIG 1:100000 mapsheets with a 20 metre contour interval for most areas with some 40 metre contours. Drainage lines were pointed in the direction of flow. A hillshade of the DEM was used to identify errors in source drainage and contour data that were previously missed. The errors, including wrongly directed drainage and wrongly labelled contours were fixed though some errors may remain.

Access and Licensing

Identified Mandate


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