
Railways and Railway Stations

The railways that link urban and regional Australia have played a significant role in the development of our nation. Rail transport contributes many billions of dollars every year to Australia`s economy. Many of the products we use every day have travelled by rail at some stage in their journey. From home to work or across the country, passenger trains carry more than 500 million people each year - that`s around 25 times Australia`s population!

NSW Crossing Dataset

Contours are virtual imaginary lines on the ground, joining points of an equal elevation in relation to the Australian Height Datum (AHD). It is a line feature class of the NSW Digital Topographic Database ( DTDB), within the Physiography theme. A contour can be a standard contour, depression contour or an ancillary contour. The Elevation attribute is defined as the distance along the vertical (direction of gravity) from the geoid (approximately mean sea level) to a point. The elevation range is -4 m to 2220 m.
