
VIC Bathymetry

5m contour intervals derived from 20m resolution bathymetry for nearshore Victorian Coast, LiDAR-derived bathymetry plus small area of multibeam-derived bathymetry on Westernport Bay.

This dataset covers the Victorian coast, generally extending to the

VIC Vicmap Vegetation

This dataset contains vegetation features represented by polygons. It is part of the Vicmap suite of products.
Includes tree density levels.
Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata.
Tree Density

VIC Vicmap Hydrology

This dataset series contains line, point & polygon features delineating hydrology. It is a combination of a number of data sets that are a part of Vicmap Hydro.
Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metad

Victorian Landuse Information system 2014/2015

The Victorian Land Use Information System (VLUIS) dataset has been created by the Spatial Information Sciences Group of the Agriculture Research Division in the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport, and Resources. The method used to create VLUIS is significantly different to traditional methods used to create land use information and has been designed to create regular and consistent data over time.
