Best Available

National Coastline

Coastal Waters is a belt of water between the limits of the Australian States and the Northern Territory and a line 3M seaward of the territorial sea baseline*. Jurisdiction over the water column and the subjacent seabed is vested in the adjacent State or Territory as if the area formed part of that State or Territory. This, and other arrangements for the management of offshore resources such as fisheries and petroleum, are defined by the Offshore Constitutional Settlement (OCS).

National Dynamic Land Cover

The national dynamic land cover dataset is aggregated from many different sources to give a coverage over all of Australia.

The dataset is a nationally consistent and thematically comprehensive land cover reference for Australia. It provides an 8 year synoptic overview of land cover at 250 metre resolution for the Australian continent between April 2000 and April 2008.

Administrative Boundaries

The Administrative Boundaries datasets are Australia’s most comprehensive national collection of boundaries including government, statistical and electoral boundaries.

Administrative Boundaries is produced by PSMA Australia Limited (PSMA), an unlisted public company formed by the nine governments of Australia to collate and standardise, format and aggregate location data from each of the jurisdictions into authoritative location based national datasets.


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