The National Exposure Information System (NEXIS)

Thursday, 16 February, 2017
Use Type 
Use Case

The National Exposure Information System is a unique capability developed by Geoscience Australia to estimate the number, cost and characteristics of the people, buildings and infrastructure potentially impacted by a man-made or natural event.  

Use Case-Requirement Category 
Agency Duty 
Applying Geoscience to Australia's Most Important Challenges
Use case portfolio 

Geoscience Australia

Associated Stakeholder or System 
Geoscience Australia
How spatial Data Assists 

NEXIS collates the best publically-available information, statistics, spatial and survey data into comprehensive and nationally-consistent exposure information datasets. Where data is limited, models are used to apply statistics based on similar areas.  Exposure Information products are created at the national, state or local level to understand the elements at risk during an event or as a key input for analysis in risk assessments.

Benefit Realised 

NEXIS services a number of clients including the insurance sector. This benefit is focusing on the Crisis Coordination Centre.

Since 2012, GA has been providing spatial support and advice to the Crisis Coordination Centre (CCC) within Emergency Management Australia (EMA) as part of our collaboration with the Attorney-General’s Department.

A key information requirement identified by EMA was the need to quickly understand what is in an event area. To address this requirement GA designed the Exposure Report which greatly simplifies the interpretation of exposure information for timely emergency response and recovery decision-making.

The Exposure Report is generated by extracting the relevant attributes from NEXIS such as population and building estimates, agricultural commodities and building costs, and infrastructure counts in the potentially threatened area. This automated process quickly presents the required information in a clear and easily accessible report detailing estimates of what exists in the event area.

By improving the timeliness and accuracy of information used by the CCC, GA has enhanced the government’s ability to respond to disaster and activate appropriate financial assistance for recovery.

National Location Information